Click here for our state, region and national organization chart –> How my club fits within NGC
Interested in gardening? Floral Design? Environmental studies? Landscape design? Rock Spring Garden Club is an organization that brings together like minded, friendly individuals to continue their education and enrichment in the areas of horticulture and floral design. We have interesting and educational monthly programs and speakers; workshops, field trips, community service activities, and access to National Garden Club schools. Please contact us via email and we would be happy to talk to you about all that we do. [email protected] And be sure to navigate around our website. There’s lots of information.
Qualifications for Membership: An interest in gardening, horticulture and floral design. A prospective member attends two general meetings (and signs guest book) before applying for membership and must be sponsored by two active members (we can assist with your sponsorship needs.)
Here is a link to our membership application —> RSGC Membership App
Member Requirements:
- submit at least two horticulture specimens per year at a general meeting.
- provide at least two flower arrangements per year. (The yearbook specifies the type of design for the month).
- serve on a standing committee.
- serve as luncheon host or hostess at a general meeting once per year.
Member Benefits: As part of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., and National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc., members are able to take advantage of on-going educational programs leading to certification upon completion. Schools include landscape design, flower show judge, gardening studies, and environmental studies. We are able to take advantage of programs that include private and public garden tours, floral design classes by top designers, standard flower shows, workshops and demonstrations. Our monthly programs are educational, fun and enlightening, with professional, passionate experts in the fields of horticulture, floral design, garden and landscape design, environmental issues, wildlife and more. Members share their knowledge and expertise by demonstrating their skills in horticulture, garden design and floral design. We commit time and energy to each other and our community through Rock Spring Park with periodic clean up and planting activities in coordination with neighborhood organizations; we sponsor scholarships to attend summer camp for students; community beautification programs, and we host educational events open to the greater community, such as our Holiday Floral Design Event. We also have a Junior Gardener Program and Garden Therapy Program in partnership with Arlington Public Schools in local elementary schools. We also have a Senior Outreach Program just beginning at Mary Marshall residence. We offer friendship and commitment to anyone, at any skill level, that shares an interest and passion for any aspect of gardening.
Dues: $65.00 yearly (which also includes membership in National Garden Clubs Inc., Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., and National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.) and must accompany the membership application or be submitted on the day of induction.
Committees: Awards, Budget, Civic Development, Conservation, Information Management, Garden Therapy, Horticulture, Hospitality, Invitational Arrangements, Liaison, Membership, Program, Publications, Publicity, Senior Outreach, Show (floral design), Ways and Means, and Youth Activities, and Garden of the Year (on haitus).