Affiliations: Rock Spring Garden Club, located in Arlington, Virginia is a non profit civic organization and is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., Southern Atlantic Region, Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., Piedmont District; and Central Atlantic Region, National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc., District III. Click here to see our state, region and national organization chart –> How my club fits within NGC
Rock Spring Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. If you would be interested in contributing to our club’s scholarship activities, please contact us.
Our email address is: [email protected]
Our Facebook Link is: RSGC is on Facebook
Our Instagram Link is:
PRIVACY: Rock Spring Garden Club does not collect or analyze any data that could be gleaned from comments or visits to our site.
RSGC Meetings: The club meets at 10:00 a.m. on the third Thursday of each month (unless otherwise noted) at the Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA. The general membership meeting is followed by a program from 11:00 – 12:00. Refreshments are served. Programs cover a wide range of topics with an occasional field trip to see the real thing. The year begins in September and ends in June. General meetings are in recess July-August. Members may enjoy a discount at Merrifield Garden Center and other local retail outlets.
As members of National Garden Club, Inc., Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Inc. AND National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc., member privileges include opportunities to attend horticultural and design functions and access to NGC Schools – Flower Show Judge School, Landscape Design School, Environmental Studies School, and Gardening Studies School with completion leading to certification; participate in Flower Shows, attend symposiums and many educational and inspirational programs focusing on the many aspects of the art of gardening.
NOTICE: OUR GENERAL MEETINGS ARE ALWAYS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. However, due to safety and health concerns of our members due to COVID, we only offer public attendance at our live meetings or via Zoom if one is fully vaccinated. Masks are suggested. If you wish to attend a meeting, please send us an email at [email protected]
Qualifications for Membership: An interest in gardening or learning about gardening. A prospective member must attend two general meetings (and sign guest book) before applying for membership and must be sponsored by two active members. Application for new membership: click here —>RSGC Membership App
Members Must: We are an educational and service organization and strongly encourage active participation in Club events, committees, new and on-going projects, activities and meetings. At a minimum, we expect our members to:
- submit at least two horticulture specimens per year at a general meeting.
- provide at least two flower arrangements per year. (The yearbook specifies the type of design for the month).
- actively serve on a standing committee, as a chair or member.
- serve as part of luncheon host committee at one general meeting.
Dues: $65.00 yearly (last increase was 2018) and must accompany the membership application or be submitted on the day of induction.
Ongoing Projects: Rock Spring Park, Ball-Sellers House, Mary Marshall Home, horticultural education, floral design education, floral design invitational arrangements for community organizations, National Capital Area Garden Clubs meetings and events at U.S. National Arboretum in D.C., NCA District meetings at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, VA, VFGC Piedmont Districts in Richmond, VA, Youth activities and Garden Therapy through local elementary schools to promote gardening, Earth Day, community outreach, scholarships, flower shows, Holiday Floral Design Events open to the public.
Meetings: We meet once per month, September to June, on the third Thursday at 10 AM- 12:30PM unless otherwise noted. Meetings are held at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, unless we are utilizing Zoom or at an offsite location or field trip. We have a business meeting followed by a very interesting guest speaker or demonstration-type workshop. Our host committee serves refreshments.
There are also activities held during the month including Garden oriented schools, field trips, demonstrations, garden tours, Rock Spring Park gardening activities, floral design, club and community projects, and assorted Committee activities, depending on which committee you chose to serve on.
We also attend District, State and Regional meetings for both Central Atlantic Region, National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc., District III; and Southern Atlantic Region, Virginia Federated Garden Clubs, Inc., Piedmont District. These meetings also give us an opportunity to meet and listen to terrific garden speakers and attend exhibitions.
Flower Shows: We attend and participate in NGC Standard and Small Standard Flower Shows in the Capital Region as well as the State of Virginia. Flower Shows are fun and educational for all ages. Some of our members attend Flower Show School to become Accredited NGC Flower Show judges. We currently have three (4) NGC Accredited Judges in Rock Spring Garden Club. Club members also serve flower shows on various show committees and as judges’ clerks.