Thank YOU!
December 3, 2015

Thank you to all our guests who attended and all RSGC members who worked so hard to make our Sixth Annual Holiday Floral Design Event a big success.  It was educational, fun and delicious!  Special thanks also to our sponsors, Andy’s Lawn and Landscape and Blazing Star Gardening.

And a huge round of applause to our talented guest designer – Jo Oliver of Highway to Hill! Her floral designs wow’d us! And big thanks to our own club designer, Renee Bayes!

Jo Oliver, floral designer, Highway to Hill

Jo Oliver, floral designer, Highway to Hill









Club members l. to r. Ann Lunson, Mary Kudless, Janice Haines, Anne Collins, Event Co-Chair

Club members l. to r. Ann Lunson, Mary Kudless, Janice Haines, Anne Collins, Event Co-Chair

Pumpkins for sale!

Pumpkins for sale!

Club designer Renee Bayes, and Connie Richards, RSGC President 2015/16

Club designer Renee Bayes, and Connie Richards, RSGC President 2015/16

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