The September 2016 Gardenzette is here
September 10, 2016
Author: Admin
Learn all about what’s going on for September at Rock Spring Garden Club. Just click this link below:
2016_09-gardenzette-september-web <<<—— just click here!
NCAGC District III Hosting a Small Standard Flower Show
August 7, 2016
Author: Admin
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Is there a blue ribbon in your future???
District III of National Capital Area Garden Clubs is hosting a flower show on Saturday, August 20, 2016 in Vienna, Virginia – in partnership with Historic Vienna’s fabulous Country Fair. There is a call for Design entries and some sections of the Horticulture Division are open to the public – and if you are a tomato, squash or fruit grower, enter this competition. Even children who tend their own vegetablegarden are invited to compete! This Country Fair should prove to be a fun and charming event for the whole family. To enter a design, contact Lisa Edelman. Here are the details, and the Flower Show Schedule: (and for a downloadable version, click here Vienna flower show schedule 0816)
RSGC is on Facebook
June 20, 2016
Author: Admin
Our Facebook page is full of interesting information, great gardening tips from around the gardening world, and upcoming events and activities. Come visit us on Facebook. Just click here
or our Facebook link in the right side column.
District III Recognizes RSGC
June 20, 2016
Author: Admin
National Capital Area Garden Club’s District III recognized Rock Spring Garden Club at the June 17, 2016 President’s Coffee at Meadowlark Gardens.
Long time member, Bernie Donaldson, received a Perennial Bloom Award from the District for her long time commitment and work in our club. Although Bernie is a sustaining member, she attends meetings, keeps a beautiful garden and recently scored a blue ribbon and the top horticultural award for her african violet specimen at our Club’s flower show in April. Gardening is definitely a life long passion for Bernie. Congratulations!
Speaking of our flower show, we were also recognized by the District Director, Jane Smith, for our flower show! Thank you!
Read our June Gardenzette! And garden!
June 16, 2016
Author: Admin
Just click this link to read the June 2016 edition of our club newsletter, The Gardenzette! —- >>> 2016_06 Gardenzette web
And happy summer gardening from your friends at Rock Spring Garden Club!
Happy Summer from your friends at Rock Spring Garden Club!
June 16, 2016
Author: Admin
What a fantastic, busy and successful year we had at Rock Spring Garden Club! We enjoyed wonderful programs and great guest speakers. We hosted over 200 guests from our community at our Holiday Floral Design Event, an educational and entertaining evening of floral design.
In December, we celebrated together with a lovely Holiday Tea where club members decorated a fellow member’s home with lovely floral designs and fresh decorations.
We spent the months leading up to April 22 preparing for our Standard Flower Show, That’s Life – Celebrating Sinatra, His Songbook and Movies.
In May, we took a field trip to the Franciscan Monastary, a hidden garden gem in Washington, DC. And in June, we celebrated with a showcase of member gardens, and welcomed three new members to our club. And our club was honored to be recognized with awards for our work in the community.
Whew! What a busy, exciting and fun year. If you’re interested in gardening and it’s many aspects, learning and experiencing, and making new friends, please consider joining our club. Our first meeting of our new club year is Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 10AM, at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Rd., Arlington, VA 22207.
FMI, contact us at [email protected] Feel free to navigate around our website for more information about garden club.
By Invitation Only! – Tuckahoe Home & Garden Tour
May 17, 2016
Author: Admin
Rock Spring Garden Club’s Invitational Committee was asked to create floral designs for Tuckahoe Elementary School’s PTA fundraising event, The Tuckahoe Home & Garden Tour. Floral designs were created to enhance the decor of the homes on tour. We are privileged to be asked to lend our expertise for their worthy community event. We also partner with Tuckahoe Elementary School for our Junior Gardener Program with their second graders. We have so much fun working with the children at Tuckahoe. Here’s some photos of the designs created for the tour by Invitational Committee members, including Joan Asboth, Margaret Eubank, Jenny Sullivan, Ann Marie Fay, Dorinda Burroughs and Becky Salzinger.
Enjoy Reading our May RSGC Gardenzette newsletter
May 17, 2016
Author: Admin
2016-05 May Gardenzette web – just click here to see what’s going on this month at RSGC! And do check out the pictures from our April Flower Show – ‘That’s Life”
Tuckahoe Home and Garden Tour – Saturday, May 14
May 9, 2016
Author: Admin
The Rock Spring Garden Club’s Invitational Committee will create floral designs to be placed in homes and gardens for the annual Tuckahoe Elementary School Home and Garden Tour.
The tour is a primary annual fundraiser to support the Tuckahoe Elementary Discovery School yard, the award-winning outdoor learning program at Tuckahoe. It will be held Saturday, May 14 from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.
Featured in Arlington Magazine’s Best Of and WaPo’s Spring Tour line-up, this Tour is ideal for people thinking of renovating or remodeling, this is the perfect opportunity to meet builders and architects and see their projects. The Tour is a self-guided and begins at Tuckahoe Elementary School and continues through the Arlington community, showcasing up to 8 newly-renovated homes and as many as 3 beautiful gardens. For information and to purchase tickets, please visit This is another way to support Tuckahoe Elementary School.
April 21, 2016 – 2-4PM – Flower Show
March 13, 2016
Author: Admin