That’s Life – A Standard Flower Show – Thursday, April 21, 2016
March 13, 2016


 Celebrating Sinatra, His Songbook and Movies


A Standard Flower Show

presented by

Rock Spring Garden Club

Arlington, VA

Member of

National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.

Central Atlantic Region


Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.

South Atlantic Region

National Garden Clubs, Inc.


Little Falls Presbyterian Church

6025 Little Falls Road

Arlington, VA   22207


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Free and open to the public from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


That’s Life

Sinatra, His Songbook and Movies



To educate club members and viewing public. To stimulate interest in horticulture and floral design. To provide an outlet for creative expression. To convey to the community objectives of National Garden Clubs, Inc. 




Wednesday, April 20, 2016                                                                              5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Horticulture and Design entries

Thursday, April 21, 2016                                                                                    7:15 am – 9:00 am

Horticulture and Design entries

Thursday, April 21, 2016                                                                              10:00 am – 12:30 noon


Thursday, April 21, 2016                                                                                     2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Open to the Public

Thursday, April 21, 2016                                                                                     4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Dismantle Show

SMALL SPACE GARDEN DESIGN with Kathy Jentz – RSGC General Meeting – Thursday, March 17, 2016, 10:00 AM
March 13, 2016

Our general meetings are free and open to the public. They are held at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Rd, Arlington, VA 22207.  If you’d like to join us for our meeting and lunch; please RSVP to [email protected] or just click ‘contact’ tab above. A hot lunch follows our program and you are very welcome to join us for a nominal fee of $5.

The business portion of our meeting begins at 10:00AM; our program begins about 11:10AM.  This month we are excited to have Kathy Jentz, Founder and Editor of Washington Gardener Magazine, visit us to talk all about SMALL SPACE GARDEN DESIGN.  Using examples from area gardens, Kathy Jenz will illustrate basic design principles for maximizing garden space. She will address common small- space challenges such as creating privacy and adding light to shady areas. She’ll offer low-or-no-budget solutions as well.

Please let us know if you’d be interested in joining Rock Spring Garden Club! New or experienced gardeners are very welcome!

Read our March Gardenzette!
March 13, 2016

Interested in what’s going on at Rock Spring Garden Club?  Just click this link to read our latest issue of the Gardenzette 2016_03 March Gardenzette web

February 18, 2016 General Meeting
March 13, 2016

RSGC has a lot going on these days.  Our February meeting featured Regina Lanctot, Plant Specialist from Merrifield Gardens at Fair Oaks.  Regina brought with her an assortment of unique houseplants that will enhance any houseplant collection. Regina’s presentation also talked about proper care and feeding of houseplants and orchids, and potting requirements.  It was a wonderful program! FMI on Merrifield Gardens and their programs, click their link to the right on our sidebar.

We also had a wonderful monthly design challenge – Miniatures!  Our monthly design challenges are part of our ongoing emphasis on design and horticulture entries for our UPCOMING STANDARD FLOWER SHOW, “That’s Life – Sinatra’s Songbook and Movies” on Thursday, April 21, 2016, from 2-4PM.  This exciting and fun standard flower show is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Please come join us!  Enjoy these photos of our design and horticulture entries.DSC00521DSC00520

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RSGC’s Gardenzette
February 6, 2016

Take a look at our latest editions of Rock Spring Garden Club’s monthly newsletter and find out what we are all about:   January’s 2016-01 Gardenzette web <—- just click here! And February’s  2016-02 February Gardenzette web <—- just click here!

RSGC Members – membership renewal time
February 6, 2016

Members, for your convenience, here is our 2016-2017 RSGC member renewal form  <—click  to download

RSGC General Meeting – Thursday, January 21, 2016
January 16, 2016

Leigh Kitcher

Leigh Kitcher

Please join us on Thursday, January 21, 2016 beginning with a business meeting at 10:00am.  Our program begins at 11:00am and our speaker is Leigh Kitcher, former NCAGC District III Director and member of Ayr Hill Garden Club.  Leigh will prep talk about our upcomingApril flower show while demonstrating three creative designs. These designs will be silent auctioned at the end of the program.

Our members’ January design challenge this month is a TUBULAR DESIGN – a creative design having dominance of cylindrical components throughout.  This display plus our Horticulture display should be very interesting!  We’ve also got some great items available at our Ways and Means table.

Come see what we’re all about.  Our meetings are held at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Rd., Arlington, VA 22207 and are always free and open to the public. We do serve a hot lunch after our program and guests are welcome to join us for a nominal fee of $5.00. Please RSVP to [email protected]  Welcome!!

RSGC’s Annual Holiday Tea
January 16, 2016

It’s a great pleasure for club members to come and relax together before the busy holidays take over our schedules. This year’s theme was “Holiday Joy” and the floral designs and decorative touches created by our club members were just that – joyful.  Here’s just a few of the designs and happy faces that graced one member’s home.  Enjoy!




Happy New Year 2016
January 4, 2016

December 3, 2015

AH Sale

Header and Footer photos by Mary Cottrell
This site created by Alliance Management Group