RSGC 2015/16 President, Connie Richards
September 30, 2015

Congratulations to Rock Spring Garden Club’s 2015/16 President, Connie Richards!

Connie joined Rock Spring Garden Club in 2010 after retiring from a teaching career.  She loves gardening but never expected to love the challenge of floral design.  Being a part of a garden club gave Connie an opportunity to expand her knowledge and skills in gardening, horticulture and design. She brought strong organizational and leadership skills to the club including stints as Program and Membership chair, and served as Vice President before accepting her new position as President. Connie brings along a joyful, infectious enthusiasm for garden club and we are proud and thrilled to have her serve as President for this term.

National Capital Area Garden Clubs Blog
September 8, 2015

National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc. (NCAGC) has a new blog.  Be sure to visit – very interesting and fun articles including guest garden writers.

Just click here —> nca blogger

Interested in reading our Club Newsletter?
September 8, 2015

Our club newsletter, THE GARDENZETTE, is chock full of information.  Click the “Resources” Button above for a sampling of our previous newsletters.  Our September issue will be available soon.  And while you’re navigating Activities, check out the drop down box for information on our various club activities, including Youth Activities, Horticulture, Show, Garden Therapy, and Civic Development.  Why, yes. We are very busy!

Welcome Back!
September 7, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015, 10 AM kicks off another exciting year for members of Rock Spring Garden Club.  A lot of you have been very busy over the summer – gardening, of course! But also traveling, cruises,  staycationing to enjoy the many local attractions people travel  here from around the world to experience, or sharing good times outdoors with family and friends.

We will begin our meeting with a good catch up on what’s been happening with our club and members since June, then we will get right to business with a floral design workshop. Bring your flowers and greens, a container and mechanics, and floral cutting scissors.  These workshops are hands on and brought to you by your fellow club designers.  You don’t want to miss this program. And the bonus? You get to bring a lovely design home! Our meetings are free and open to the public but please RSVP to [email protected].  Location: Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22207.



Thinking of joining our garden club?  New members are welcome all year long.  Come see what we’re all about!  And go to our program page above – check out the interesting programs and activities we’ve got planned for the year!

Want to visit a local garden?
July 2, 2015

Have visitors coming to town who love gardens?  Are you new to the Washington DC area? Our National Capital Area has beautiful gardens.  DCGardens is a wonderful resource for visitors to discover all the public and privately owned and open to the public gardens in our area, including Northern Virginia.  It also has a listing of deep local resources, including plant societies and garden clubs, tours and events.  Thanks, DCGardens – we needed this!

Just click here>>>>

Garden of the Year – another article – Arlington Connection
June 30, 2015

Thank you, Arlington Connection, for the wonderful article!

Have a wonderful gardening summer! And think about joining RSGC
June 29, 2015

l. to r. Thea McGinnis, Florence Nardone, Marjory Melnick, Joann Rawls

Rock Spring Garden Club members wish you a wonderful gardening summer! During June, July and August, our committees are getting ready for an exciting new club year with fun, educational and civic activities – like working at Rock Spring Park, setting up our Program Speaker schedule for 2015 and 2016, publishing our yearbook, preparing for our November Holiday Floral Design Education Event (it’s going to be great!) and our plans for a flower show next spring! If you have a strong interest in gardening, horticulture, floral design, beautification initiatives, civic projects, sharing your interests with like minded individuals, or want to learn more about gardening, and making new friends, you will truly enjoy membership in Rock Spring Garden Club. Everyone is welcome! For more information, email us at [email protected]  and click our membership page above.

Our next meeting is Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 10 AM. Our programs are free and open to the public. Come see what we’re all about.

A full house!

Garden of the Year 2015 – CONGRATULATIONS!
June 29, 2015

A huge THANK YOU! to all the participants in this year’s Rock Spring Garden Club Garden of the Year! 12 homeowner/gardeners took the challenge and congratulations to all! Here’s a linkto the Sun Gazette article about our winners.

Just click here or copy and paste to your browser:


June 2015 Gardenzette
June 29, 2015

What’s going on at Rock Spring Garden Club?

Here’s a link to our club newsletter for June, 2015 – enjoy!

June 2015 Gardenzette for Website<<<<<——- just click here!

May 2015 Gardenzette – find out what’s going on with Rock Spring Garden Club
May 20, 2015

Are you enjoying a busy Spring gardening?  We at Rock Spring Garden club are quite busy – with our Junior Gardeners, our Garden Therapy committee, Rock Spring Park, Garden of the Year 2015, and planning for our upcoming year (already!)  Enjoy our monthly newsletter, The Gardenzette, and see what’s going on. Just click here ——> May 2015 Gardenzette for website

Interested in membership?  Email us at [email protected]

Header and Footer photos by Mary Cottrell
This site created by Alliance Management Group