Have a wonderful garden summer!
June 25, 2014
Author: Admin
Rock Spring Garden Club has enjoyed another year of garden, horticulture, landscape and floral design programs and education. We’ve enjoyed wonderful and interesting speaker programs each month. We’ve continued our work at Rock Spring Park. We held our public educational program, The Holiday Floral Design Event. We’ve taken field trips, attended NCAGC’s Mornings of Design. We’ve attended NGC/NCAGC Schools and so much more. We have finished off our club year by the big announcement of our 2014 Garden of the Year winners. Our club sponsored four scholarships to Arlington Public School’s Outdoor Lab camp. (More on that coming soon!) And we had a lot of fun!
Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 10 AM when we kick off a new year! Unless otherwise noted, our meetings are held at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA 22207. Want more information about us? Just click ‘contact’ above and we’ll get right back to you! Have a great gardening summer! Your friends at Rock Spring Garden Club