RSGC’s First General Meeting – Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:00 AM
September 10, 2018
Author: Admin
Welcome back! Our first meeting begins with a 10:00 AM business meeting followed by a wonderful program with Arlington’s Company Flowers designers, Betty Sejas and Jane Winter. Betty and Jane were guest designers for one of our very successful Holiday Floral Design events. I love their work and I love the Company Flowers gift shop as well. They are going to show us how to make our own Autumn wreath using fresh materials. We also have horticulture and floral design exhibits, a Ways & Means table, and lots of gardening information. And best of all – friendship that blends with our gardening passions!
Guests and perspective members are very welcome to join us for our first meeting of the 2018/19 club year! And stay for lunch!
Please RSVP to [email protected]
Our meeting is held at Little Falls Presbyterian Chuch, 6025 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22207