Enjoy our latest issue of RSGC’s The Gardenzette
December 4, 2017

Here ya go: Gardenzette Dec 2017 pdf web  Enjoy!

See you all at our December Holiday Tea
December 4, 2017

In December we do not have a regular monthly meeting. Instead we host our Holiday Tea is at the home of one of our dear members. We look forward to seeing all of our members! While our meetings and programs are open to the public, our Tea is for members and guests.  If you’re interested in joining our club, just click the contact button above.  Thanks!  Enjoy your December!

Photo by Annie Spratt of Unsplashed


Thanks to our many members for working for our Holiday Design Event!
December 4, 2017

Holiday Floral Design Event Photos!
December 4, 2017

NCAGC President Robin Hammer, Designer Susie Poneman, Dorinda Burroughs and Barnet Norris

Thank You to our Sponsors for the 7th Holiday Floral Design Event!
December 4, 2017



  Susie Poneman,Owner and Designer of Heavenly Hydrangeas

703-534-1308   www.heavenlyhydrangeas.com






www.betterlawnserviceinc.com  703-346-2178


BATTLEFIELD AUTOMOTIVE Manassas and Culpeper Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota







www.northernvirginiatreeexperts.com  703-263-3199









Our next meeting is our Holiday Floral Design Event! Please join us!
November 3, 2017

Not only is this a fun event – you will learn to make your own designs at home. Beautify your home all year long with flowers and foliage from your garden or grocer!  Just email us for tickets! [email protected]. And if you want to order on-line THROUGH EVENTBRITE https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rock-spring-garden-club-holiday-floral-design-event-tickets-37476999715

And if you’re curious about membership in Rock Spring Garden Club, this is a wonderful event to find out what we are all about!


Arlington County’s Firestation 8 Beautification Project
November 3, 2017

Rock Spring Garden Club members recently had an opportunity to apply their skills, talents and backs at Arlington County’s Firestation 8. The station’s raised border beds were neglected and deeply overrun with invasive ivy and other weeds.  We approached the chief and asked if we could clean up and beautify their fire house and received a resounding YES!  This particular Firestation is one of our oldest and is slated in the future to be refurbished. Until then, we were able to improve their immediate environs.  A team of RSGC members got to work , cleaning out several waste bags full of weeds. 
Extremely generous donations of chrysanthemums and pansies from Bill’s True Value Garden Center and BJ’s, provided plenty of healthy and colorful seasonal plantings. In addition, club members donated black eyed susans, shade loving native ferns and woodland phlox, as a giant holly tree provides deep shade in one part of the bed as well as a protective bird habitat.  We also got free mulch for the bed from Arlington County’s resident mulch pile to top the border bed.  Several club members worked on this backbreaking project over a three day period, not including the planning time involved.
Special thanks go to Julie Wadsworth, Kate Abrahams, Jo Ella Samp, Carol Cochran and Ann Larsen for a terrific team effort.
The Firestation 8 personnel were very pleased with the beautification project. Deputy Dobson enthusiastically thanked our club for helping beautify the station. They will ensure the plants are watered regularly. Arlington neighbors waiting at the bus stop in front of the firestation will also get to enjoy the new flower beds.
Photos by and copyright @2017 Kate Abrahams

Morning of Design Event – an educational event sponsored by the NCAGC Judges Council
October 15, 2017

On Thursday, October 12, NCAGC District III hosted NCAGC Judges Council’s Morning of Design, an educational program featuring designers from the NCAGC region. Designs included creative and traditional designs for the upcoming holidays, and three new designs from the 2017 NGC Flower Show Handbook.  Guest designers included Bette Lewis, Jane Smith, Betty Galway, Anita Brown and Justine Harris.  Take a look. (photographs by Kate Abrahams)

Cascade design by Bette Lewis

Low Profile Design by Anita Brown

October Issue of The Gardenzette is here
October 11, 2017

Just click here to read all about what RSGC members are up to:  Gardenzette Oct 2017 web

RSGC’s October General Meeting – Speaker Scott Brinitzer – Eco Friendly Stylish Gardens
October 6, 2017

Our monthly general meetings are open to the public unless otherwise noted.  Our next general meeting is Thursday, October 19, 2017 beginning a 10 A.M.  Our business meeting begins at 10:00 A.M. and our speaker/program begins around 11:00 A.M., followed by a delicious lunch.  Attending the business portion of the meeting gives you a good idea of what our club is up to month to month. Please email us if you plan to attend.  Prospective members are very welcome!  [email protected]

We are thrilled to have Scott Brinitzer as our speaker this month. His program is entitled “Stylish Gardens Can Be Eco Friendly.”  Scott is the President and Principal Designer of Scott Brinizer Design Associates, Landscape Design and Installation.  A 30-year, award-winning landscape designer, Scott will discuss the changes in focus from purely an aesthetic outcome of landscape designs, to the current issues of managing storm water, protecting trees, and creating a habitat for beneficial insects while continuing to honor the demand for stylish, beautiful and useful outdoor spaces.

And be sure to check out our monthly Horticulture exhibition and our Design challenge of the month.  This month, we are challenged to create a Cascade Design. Information on the Cascade Design can be found on p. 73 of your NGC 2017 Handbook For Flower Shows. And stop by our Ways & Means Table, too!

Header and Footer photos by Mary Cottrell
This site created by Alliance Management Group