October Field Trip to Grateful Gardeners
November 1, 2023

RSGC Members enjoyed a beautiful day at Grateful Gardeners farm in Boyds/Poolesville MD this month. (Want to go on fun garden club trips? Join our club!) Here’s some pictures, courtesy of RSGC member Kate Abrahams. Enjoy!  For more information www.gratefulgardeners.com


Our club’s dahlia expert, Connie

One of Grateful Gardeners owners, Tom Precht

The Gardenzette – October 2023 edition
October 12, 2023

Our October 2023 meeting is a FIELD TRIP up to Poolesville MD to visit the Grateful Gardeners Flower Farm.  Grateful Gardeners came to visit our club last fall and we are following up with a field trip to see their operation.  For more information, please check out our October edition of The Gardenzette – just click here —–>Gardenzette October 2023 web pdf

While we don’t have a regular business meeting in October, prospective NEW MEMBERS are always welcome!  If you have a sincere interest in gardening, horticulture, floral design and community service, Rock Spring Garden Club might be a great organization for you to join. For more information and to talk to our membership chairperson, please use the contact button above or email us at [email protected]


Designer Betty Ann Galway’s September Design Program
October 12, 2023

Rock Spring Garden Club welcomed National Garden Club Master Judge and Floral Designer Betty Ann Galway to our September meeting with a review of NGC Designs we are incorporating into our Spring NGC Standard Flower Show.  Betty also reviewed mechanics and gave examples of how judges would critique show designs and gave members of the audience many tips and ideas for designs.

We are taking the Trex Recycling Challenge!
October 12, 2023

Rock Spring Garden Club has taken up the Trex Plastic Film Recycling Program this year!

Over the last two years, twenty-four plus clubs from Virginia Federated Garden Clubs (VFGC) have earned a minimum of one garden bench for collecting and recording 500 pounds of plastic film during a six-month period.  We are joining several other clubs in the VFGC Piedmont District in this challenge!

Welcome Back!
September 23, 2023

Rock Spring Garden Club returned on Thursday, September 21, 2023 with a wonderful meeting and design program by award winning designer and NGC Accredited Master Judge, Betty Ann Galway.

There’s lots going on this Fall, and we are welcoming new members! If you have a sincere interest in gardening, horticulture, floral designing, on-going education, community activities – and fun and friendship – Rock Spring Garden Club might be a good place for you.  Check out our newsletter for the latest happenings – click here —–>Gardenzette September 2023 Final Web PDF

June 8 – Our Last Meeting of the Club Year! And our June Gardenzette
June 5, 2023

We aren’t having our usual meeting in June – we are having a new officer installation at Rock Spring Park and a member garden tour.  Congratulations to our newly elected slate of officers.  We begin our next club year on Thursday, September 21,2023. Until then, have a wonderful gardening summer.

Here’s a link to our June 2023 edition of THE GARDENZETTE here—>10-The Gardenzette-June 2023-Public

Thinking about joining our garden club? Feel free to explore our website, and contact us at [email protected]

Happy 70th Birthday, Rock Spring Garden Club!!
May 8, 2023

Happy Birthday to Us!!  70 years of horticulture, floral design, service to our community, and friendship! We certainly have a lot to celebrate – our club’s enriching activities, our membership in National Capital Area Garden Clubs and Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, and National Garden Clubs.  We’ve been challenged and blessed to carry through our mission of gardening education, flower shows, community gardens and civic development, our partnership with Arlington Schools, 4-H, and so much more.  Hundreds of women and men have been proud members of our community organizatiom here in Arlington over the last 70 years! We look forward to continuing our work the next 70 and beyond!

This month we are holding a celebration luncheon at the Washington Golf and Country Club. It’s a special members only event so we will not be having a regular monthly meeting and program.  In June, we will have a club member garden tour in lieu of a meeting, then we are off for the summer months, busy with our gardens and travel.  We are always open to having new members with a sincere interest in gardening join our club. Just email us at [email protected]  Here’s the latest newsletter, The Gardenzette, for more information about our club’s activities.  Just click here —> 09-The Gardenzette-May 2023-Public

General Meeting, April 20, 2023 10:00 a.m. – and our latest Gardenzette!
April 11, 2023

Spring has arrived and that means many of you are back out in your gardens, weeding, sowing, planting – or maybe redesigning your garden beds. I am, for sure! I always have time on my schedule to attend RSGC’s monthly general meeting.  This month we have a wonderful program and speaker –  Professor and Mountain Geographer, Alton Byer recently returned from a journey to Nepal and will present a program, “Restoring Damaged Ecosystems,” focusing on the conservation and restoration of alpine ecosystems in the Himalayan region. Don’t Miss This Program!

Our meetings are open to the public and we welcome potential new members as well –  but do RSVP to [email protected]  Business meeting begins at 10:00 am, and our program begins about 11:00 a.m. followed by a delicious lunch.  Hope to see you!

And here’s all the latest goings on with RSGC – The Gardenzette – just click here–>08-The Gardenzette-April 2023-Public

March General Meeting 3/16/2023 10:00 a.m. and The Gardenzette
March 8, 2023

Getting the itch to get out in the garden again? Yes, we cannot wait, either!  In the meantime, join us for our next monthly meeting of Rock Spring Garden Club.  Guests and potential new members are VERY much welcome. Simply RSVP to [email protected]

This month, Carol Allen joins us to talk about NOMENCLATURE! Believe me, it’s a fascinating topic.  And very important to our club’s mission to educate in identifying the horticulture we choose for our garden.  Our meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Road, Arlington 22203.  We have a business meeting first, followed by our Program and lunch.  Get to know what Rock Spring Garden Club is all about.

We have a great edition of The Gardenzette – check it out here: 07-The Gardenzette-March 2023-Public

Welcome February! Meeting 2/16/23 and The Gardenzette
February 7, 2023

Rock Spring Garden Club members have been busy! Check out our lastest doings by clicking here for The Gardenzette. —>06-The Gardenzette-February 2023-Public

The next general meeting of Rock Spring Garden Club will be on Thursday, February 16, 2023. Our  meeting is held at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6025 Little Falls Rd, Arlington, VA 22407. We begin at 10:00 a.m., followed by a program featuring The Gardens of Cornwall and Devon with club members Thea McGinnis and Anita Brown. Following our program, we will enjoy a nice lunch.  Guests and potential members are always welcome. Simply RSVP to [email protected].

People ask us to define ‘potential members’.  We believe they are men and women with a sincere interest in gardening, expanding their knowledge of horticulture, have an interest in the art of floral design, a willingness to serve our community, and a commitment to life long learning and making friends with like-minded folks.  Rock Spring Garden Club is a nice, friendly organization full of green thumbs.  Garden club gives them a safe and rewarding structure to explore their interests in the natural world. We are part of a wonderful organization, National Garden Clubs, Inc.  Come see what we are about.

Header and Footer photos by Mary Cottrell
This site created by Alliance Management Group